I was on the underground in New York watching a young, beautiful woman putting on moisturiser. It made me think of an article I read recently which listed how many chemicals we put into our body on a daily basis.

I got to thinking - what if, instead of applying chemical potions and lotions, we immersed ourselves in thoughts of love? What if, instead of believing our skin needs chemical moisture and rejuvenation, we bathe our thoughts, and thus our bodies, in a pool of warm, nourishing and replenishing love?

That old adage - when we are young we have the face we were born with; when we are old we have the face we deserve - implies that, with time, all our thoughts, words, worries, anxieties, experiences, fears, as well as all our love, truth, optimism and joy show on our faces. Not only are we what we eat, but we are what we think.

We know this is true. We have all met people who, because of their open, optimistic and compassionate view of life, just radiate that love through every pore. Their physical features just fade into the background, like a set on a stage, so that all we are conscious of is their beauty and poise which only love can endow.

The oil of love is needed in all aspects of our lives. It eases the tensions between people, it smooths the seeming differences between us and makes our daily lives more peaceful and enjoyable. A mind immersed in love creates a body that reflects the eternal beauty of light and life.

If you would like to read more on the connections between our thoughts and our bodies read Dr Christiane Northrup - a Medical Board Certified and internationally renowned doctor who is revolutionising the medical model and traditional scientific thoughts about our bodies.

I’m not suggesting we abandon our lotions, but perhaps when we apply them we do so with conscious thoughts of love, including self-love. As Northrup says, this is living life from the inside out. Living from our true nature, living from love, regenerates and rejuvenates not just our faces and skin, but our whole lives.

Eileen McBride
Eileen McBride is the author of Love Equals Power 2, a spiritual seeker and teacher. This article was published on June 16, 2010.