Oh, the irony. After writing my blog this week, with this title, I then inadvertently wiped it while I was mucking about on my iphone!! So now I’ve rewritten it - sorry for the delay.

Last weekend’s paper (here in Melbourne) contained this quote:

“Power…[is] a conspiracy – even those organisations understood to be open and legit [sic] players relied on the essence of conspiracy, which is an imbalance between information inside and outside the group. The more you reduce that imbalance towards zero, the less powerful the conspiracy becomes, even if it has weapons and wealth at its disposal. When information is evenly shared, the conspiracy, by its very nature, ceases to exist.”

That power is knowledge, or access to information, is a fundamental premise of all aspects of the human world, hence the enormous social, political and economic impact of the internet - the greatest information disseminator of the modern era.

What this view of the world doesn’t take into account, and usually summarily dismisses if confronted with the possibility, is that information can be accessed and received on more levels than just the five human senses.

Let me give you a small example. A few years ago I was driving in the outer suburbs early one public holiday morning. The roads were deserted and I was making speedy progress to my destination. With the absence of traffic to impede me, my speed crept up.

When I got to 10 kilometres an hour above the speed limit a thought popped into my head that I should slow down, not least because there may be police around. The quiet roads, the early hour of the day, the fact that it was a holiday all led me to dismiss this thought as I approached a small hill.

Over that hill, out of sight until the last minute – when it was too late – the cops lay waiting. I got done!

This is a small, relatively insignificant example but I chose it because there was immediate, irrefutable evidence of my ability to access important information about my life, my safety and my protection that transcended my human senses.

I actually operate my whole life based on information that comes from such sources. I decide whether to move away from or towards certain people and situations based on what others would dismiss as random and meaningless thoughts and feelings.

But we all receive these thoughts and most of us dismiss and ignore them most of the time. But they are the means by which we live our lives at no one else’s behest. Whatever others do to try to deceive or manipulate us according to their agenda, we always have the wherewithal to know the truth.

As the psychoanalysts say, the body is truth. Truth comes to us through a feeling, a sensing – even in our dreaming - that we experience in our bodies in various ways. Our task is not to believe everything we have ever been taught to be truth, and discover our own truth as our mind, body and soul reveals to us.

We all get this information it’s just that most of us do not pay attention to it. No one can interrupt, divert, corrupt or destroy this flow of inspired ideas, warnings and urgings. Life becomes a whole lot easier and a lot less complicated when we realise that no matter what else is going on, no matter what anybody else is doing, all we have to do is pay attention - to ourselves!

Eileen McBride
Eileen McBride is the author of Love Equals Power 2, a spiritual seeker and teacher. This article was published on October 2, 2010.