Deepak Chopra was in town on the weekend. He is a medical doctor who was one of the first to introduce new science to the world and to show how science actually supports a lot of things that many of us have known instinctively but which seem to defy both logic and the accepted rules of physical reality.

Now, a decade or two later, Chopra says it is accepted scientific knowledge that atoms are not material, and that the essential nature of the physical world is that it is not actually physical.

If the physical world is not physical then what is it? This is the ultimate trick question of life. If we can gain some understanding of the dreamlike nature of human life and experience we are well on our way to answering this conundrum. This is the biggest leap and once we’ve made it everything else, which can get even weirder, falls into place.

But we have to take that first leap if we are to access the infinite wisdom and healing potential of the Universe. Most of us live our lives never realising what is possible because the set of limiting beliefs that we have been raised with cannot stretch that far.

If there is no matter, if atoms are not material but merely energy, then surely all our theories about ‘matter’ - ie the physical world - need redefinition. What seems to be matter is actually energy and we now know that consciousness, or thought, affects energy. Thus the body/mind connection becomes all important.

One of my favourite anecdotes that Chopra tells is that of an experiment conducted to prove the causal link between diet and heart disease. Rats were fed a high cholesterol diet for several weeks but it was soon found that not all the rats showed signs of heart disease. This completely confused the people running the experiment until they discovered that the group of rats that did not have symptoms of heart disease were fed by a different lab technician. Every time he fed his rats he took them out of their cage and stroked them.

This scientific experiment unwittingly proved that love is an enormous force for healing and peace. It is sufficiently powerful to change the physical conditions of our bodies and our lives.

As Chopra says, love arises from the knowledge that we are all one inseparable consciousness. This is an illuminating definition of love. When we align our thoughts and actions with love, we tap into the greatest, and the only real and omnipotent power of the Universe.

Oneness is the key. So where and when you can, love one, love all.

Eileen McBride
Eileen McBride is the author of Love Equals Power 2, a spiritual seeker and teacher. This article was published on April 27, 2010.