I was recently asked this question. It reminded me of a talk by the popular writer/speaker, who goes by the name SARK, who told of the time when she had booked a driver to take her to the airport. He arrived quite late and so by the time the driver arrived she was so annoyed and agitated that she confronted the driver. He denied being late so things got pretty tense between them.

She was silently fuming in the back seat when it occurred to her that she could alter the situation just by starting a different conversation. She asked the driver: “Can we start over?” She then introduced herself and explained, and apologized for, her anxiety and annoyance. He then introduced himself and explained that he had actually been early but had been given the wrong address, where he’d waited 10 minutes or so until he was given the right one. In the end the he gave her his card and told her to call him personally for any future trips. They parted on happy and friendly terms.

In “A Course of Miracles” the very definition of a miracle is a change of perspective. Because our experience is the result of our perception, a shift in how we perceive ourselves and our circumstances can cause us to experience a miraculous shift in our experience. SARK demonstrated that a desire to see things differently is all it takes.

There were no complicated or involved apologies, no intricate unravelling of blame or guilt, just an acceptance of they way things had turned out and a desire to change the direction towards harmony and peace. It is genius in its simplicity.

Of course what we would consider “bigger” miracles, like the spectacular reversal of the laws of physics that we often hear of, require a mastery of the principles of managing energy, which is only acquired through a deep and extensive training in metaphysics. The mistake of most people, especially left-brainers, is the assumption that because they do not have the required skills then such things are not possible and belong only to the realm of fantasy and myth. But all it takes is an inquiring mind and a willingness to stay open to the possibilities and then, everything changes.

Eileen McBride
Eileen McBride is the author of Love Equals Power 2, a spiritual seeker and teacher. This article was published on March 10, 2015.