I was driving with a friend yesterday and we got talking about things metaphysical. She probably wouldn’t classify our conversation in that way, she would probably call it workshopping a problem. She eventually asked me if I believed in all the things we are told about Jesus, such as the virgin birth, walking on water, etc.

The church has traditionally required us to accept such phenomena on the basis of faith. But we are rapidly moving to a time when science will have the empirical proof of many things that have traditionally been called, depending on your viewpoint, either miraculous or mythical.

For instance, in The Telegraph (UK) recently, Professor Ronald Hanson from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands states that there is no law of physics that prevents the teleportation of large objects, including humans. He explains:

“If you believe that we are nothing more than a collection of atoms strung together in a particular way, then in principle it should be possible to teleport ourselves from one place to another.”

In other words, this is no longer a matter of blind faith. We now know teleportation is possible, we just don’t have the science to make it happen wholesale. Yet.

There is definitely a place for faith. Faith is an important element in the co-creation and manifesting of our desire. Often the Universe requires us to take a step on the basis of faith which, despite the absence of logic or reason, nevertheless just feels right. This is faith at its finest.

Faith should not be used to bludgeon us into blind belief. Truth is ever present and when it is not yet accessible by the left brain, because of our lack of experience of a particular aspect of truth, it is not wise to force ourselves to believe the unbelievable just because someone else tells us to.

In these cases we just need an open mind. Just as relying on a forced and artificial sense of faith is not helpful, the dismissal of phenomena just because we have no direct experience of it, errs on foolish hubris. We must know what we don’t know, and always stay open to the possibilities.

An open mind is the basis through which new phenomena (or old phenomena in a new form) presents itself. If we don’t keep our mind open to the possibilities we shut our minds to the wonders, power, and solutions, of the Universe.

Eileen McBride
Eileen McBride is the author of Love Equals Power 2, a spiritual seeker and teacher. This article was published on June 3, 2014.